Blogpost 9 Oct 2024

Hackathon Checklist

Blogpost 9 Oct 2024

Are you looking for a hackathon checklist to prepare effectively? It’s crucial to cover all your bases. With proper preparation, you significantly increase the chances of hosting a successful hackathon event.

A successful hackathon starts with brainstorming and selecting the right venue. After that, you should consider participant recruitment and both online and offline marketing strategies. Additionally, it’s essential to plan the hackathon itself and conduct an evaluation afterward to capture the key learnings.

hackathon checklist

Checklist for a Hackathon: Key Considerations

Curious about what goes into organizing a hackathon, like those we’ve facilitated for companies such as Microsoft, ING, Google, and KPMG? Here’s a handy checklist to guide you:

1. Preparation
2. Location
3. Online marketing
4. Offline marketing
5. Recruitment of participants
6. Jury selection
7. Guidance for participants
8. Program and script
9. Media
10. Printing
11. Issues
12. Dates
13. Opening and closing
14. Closing session

In addition to the above items, there are many other aspects to consider. Organizations often want to create an aftermovie or develop a special hackathon T-shirt, making each event unique.

With the checklist above, you’ll be well-prepared for the most essential elements of your hackathon. If you’re looking for more in-depth assistance, we’d be happy to help, whether by fully managing the organization or providing support along the way.

If you have questions about the hackathon checklist or want to organize a hackathon like other companies, governments, and non-profits, fill out our online contact form, and we’ll get in touch quickly.

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